Frequently Asked Questions

Feeding Picky Kids Tools for Parents to deal with children who are picky and fussy eaters and for all parents who want their children to eat well.

If you are a parent who is in any way concerned or anxious about your child’s nutrition and growth, frustrated by mealtime behaviour, battling a toddler’s normal picky eating behaviour, have a child who will only eat a small range of food, have a child who has specific health problems or an entrenched eating disorder then this e-book will have solutions for you.


“Feeding Picky Kids” is designed for all parents wanting to ensure their child eats well and can be applied to all levels of picky eating and for children of all ages.  You will find strategies for dealing with normal fussy toddler eating to more entrenched problem eating behaviours in older children.

In this e-book I have taken into account the uniqueness of each family situation and each child so there are many options and tools to cover all family situations.  This e-book is the closest thing to having me with you in a one to one consultation.

By using the strategies and tools I have suggested in “Feeding Picky Kids” you will find some changes in the picky eating behaviour almost immediately.  By implementing the approach consistently for at least 60 days your picky eater will be a much happier healthier eater.

Why put it off?  If you wait until everything is perfect before you take action, you could be waiting forever?  Visualize yourself and your family having happy enjoyable mealtimes.  See your child eating happily and healthily, happy and bursting with good health and vitality.

If you have a credit card or Paypal account you can pay for the book from anywhere in the world.

In order to read the downloadable book you will need to have Acrobat Reader on your computer. You can download a copy of Acrobat Reader for free by going to and following the prompts. Once you have downloaded the e-book you can print it out if you prefer to read a hard copy rather than reading it on-screen.

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